Offer to Purchase Questionnaire

Offer to purchase questionnaire

When you are ready to make an offer, please complete and submit the following Offer to Purchase Questionnaire. Upon receipt of the information, an agent from JBJ Companies will contact you to confirm the information and then draft your formal offer to purchase. Submission of this questionnaire does not guarantee, reserve or hold a property for you. A formal accepted offer to purchase is the only way to secure a lot.

Interest In*:
Cosgrove AcresFairway Village
Lot Number*:

Buyer #1
First Name*:

Last Name*:



Mailing Address*:

Marital Status*:

Purchase Price*:

Closing Date*:

Buyer #2
First Name:

Last Name:



Mailing Address:

Marital Status:

Financing (check one)*:
CashConventional Mortage LoanLot LoanHome Equity Line of CreditLot and Home Construction LoanOther - Explain below

Other information*: