
Saxony Village Apartments in the News

Saxony Village Apartments in the News

Project Overview

With an estimated value of $28 million, the Saxony Village Site Redevelopment project will transform three vacant parcels totaling 23.8 acres into 172 one, two, and three bedroom apartments spread over six buildings in the Village of Germantown. Before this project could begin, the land needed to be assessed and remediated for any potential contamination from previous industrial uses.

Site History

Industrial use of two of the parcels dates back at least 125 years, with one parcel used as a bulk fuel storage and distribution facility from 1892 through the 1980s, and the other used as a lumberyard and agricultural chemical facility. More than $1 million in cleanup was previously performed at the bulk fuel storage facility. However, all the parcels were still not ready for remediation and redevelopment until Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments were performed. The USEPA grant, secured by Washington County, provided the necessary funds to perform the assessments, making remediation redevelopment possible.

Read more about this article on the Saxony Village Apartments here.